關  於  花  蓮  館ABOUT

Hualien is a pleasant small town nestled in Eastern Taiwan's beautiful mountain scenery.

From here you can see dolphins playing, enjoy wonderful mochi treats, and take in the friendliness and compassion Taiwanese people are known for.

Light Hostel Hualien is located near Hualien TRA Station, right in the middle of Hualien's best attractions.

No matter what brings you to Hualien, there's plenty to keep you lingering around.

公  共  空  間Facilities

A comfy and pleasant communal space with an open kitchen area brings people together for laughter and fun.

Sofas and seating surround the TV area so whether you are traveling alone or with others you can find a comfortable space to enjoy yourself.

In a place so beautiful, everyone can travel in high spirits.

房  型  與  資  訊Room/Beds

混 合 背 包 房

Mixed Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 容納: 4-10人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤。(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

女性專屬背 包 房

Female Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 容納: 8人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備:私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤。(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

三 人 通 舖

3-Wide bed room

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 備品組

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 3人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188cm*3個單人床墊
  • 配備:電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

六 人 通 舖

6-Wide bed room

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 備品組

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 6人
  • 床尺寸: W105*L188cm*6個單人床墊
  • 配備: 電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

雙 人 一 大 床

Private Double Bed Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 備品組

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸: W150*L188cm
  • 配備: 電視機、獨立衛浴、備品組、小書桌、檯燈、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

如  何  抵  達Direction

*Hualien TRA Station → Light Hostel
  • Walking: Exit the station and walk straight along Guolian 4th Road. Turn left at Guoxing 1st Street, continue straight and turn right at Guomin 10th Street to arrive at Light Hostel. Approximately 5 minutes' walk.
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